I'm so lucky to work with these amazing people and see them go from lost and confused to more clarity and confidence

Client Love


"Her insights into navigating ADHD in the workplace were invaluable. I’ve learned to advocate for myself and use my ADHD to my advantage"

"Zoe Joanna's coaching was pivotal in transforming my career"


"Zoe's compassionate guidance and deep understanding of ADHD have empowered me to embrace my unique traits and thrive in ways I never thought possible"

"Coaching with Zoe led me on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance"


"Her approach is not just about coping with ADHD but thriving with it. Each session left me with practical skills that I'll use for the rest of my life"

"The tools and strategies I learned from Zoe have been a game-changer!"


"Her empathy and deep understanding of ADHD made me feel seen and heard. She helped me embrace my neurodiversity as a part of who I am, turning what I thought was a weakness into my greatest strength"

"Coaching with Zoe has led me on a profound journey of self-acceptance."


"Your patience, understanding, and deep knowledge of ADHD helped me unlock abilities I didn’t know I had"

"I never fully appreciated my potential until I started coaching with you"


"She not only 'gets it' when it comes to ADHD but also provides practical, tailored advice that really works. Her sessions are a safe space for growth and understanding. Highly recommend to anyone seeking genuine support."

"Zoe's coaching was a breath of fresh air!"

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